Online Personal Training for Men & Women | Fitness, Diet & Health Specialist *

Your Personal Internet Fitness Trainer and Nutritionist working with you, for you.

With current worries about the increasing cost of living and also continued concerns about the importance of social distancing coupled with the constant need to stay fit and healthy, online personal training may be something that you should consider if you want the expertise, motivation and accountability that a personal trainer provides without the cost or requirement to train in a gym.

Can you relate to any of the following?

- You are concerned about the cost of a traditional personal trainer. You need the input of a personal trainer but without the cost. An online personal trainer can provide the same value but with less expense.

- You want to train at home but under the watchful eye of an online personal trainer, who can still correct your technique, coach you and provide motivation. So, you want a traditional personal trainer model but online.

- You have a good idea about what you are doing and you are confident about your technique so you don’t need a coach to watch over you, but maybe you have reached a plateau in your fitness or you need somebody to hold you accountable and ensure you reach your goals. Somebody that can help you create a training or nutrition plan that is appropriate, challenging and effective.

If you can relate to any of this then my Online Personal Training Service might be perfect for you.

Online Personal Training is less expensive than face to face personal training but it can still delivers great results, if you are committed to working for those results.

So what makes my Online Personal Training service superior to others out there?

Firstly and most importantly, I offer a truly unique service that you tailor to suit your exact needs, as opposed to forcing you to work with my plan. Online personal training means different things to different people. Some of my clients have opted for Live Online Personal Training, which means that they have regular live personal training sessions via Zoom. I am able to check technique and provide motivation and they are able to train in their own homes. This type of set up is ideal for clients who need to be accountable to somebody and or struggle with training by themselves.

Other clients work out by themselves but check in with me regularly, either online or face to face, either because they need somebody to hold them accountable or because they want me to check progress, modify training programmes or just provide motivation and support. They have opted for the Remote Online Personal Training service.

Because we are all unique and require different things, I have created an online personal training service that allows you to create your own service. I have put together a list of online personal training services and you get to choose exactly what you need. Check out the online personal training service list below and create your own service including how many sessions and over what period of time.

What else makes me different to other personal trainers? I understand that long term success only happens when we make changes that are sustainable.

Dramatically changing your activity levels or your dietary habits may lead to short term, very impressive results but if you are unable to sustain these changes then you will eventually revert back to your old lifestyle. It is essential therefore that we focus on making realistic relevant and sustainable changes that will suit your lifestyle and become habits. Likewise, some clients want lots of details, they find the process of calorie counting and tracking foods very motivational so I am able to provide that level of detail. Others however, really struggle with too much detail and need more general support and flexibility. They may have home lives which make it impossible for them to consistently track foods or be particular about what is eaten and when. As an experienced and knowledgeable personal trainer, I can adapt my methods to suit you. In addition, as a Positive Body Image and Eating Coach practitioner, I can help you if you have issues with your relationship to food. For example you may be a mindless or emotional eater? I can help you identify any such issues and put together relevant coping strategies that will address them.



  • Initial Online Consultation (45mins) - FREE (we will discuss goals, lifestyle, current statistics, injuries, medical issues during this call)
  • Live Online Personal Training sessions (45mins) - £30 per session (or you can purchase a 5 session package at £130)
  • One off Face to Face PT session (60mins) - £60 per session (all face to face sessions will take place at Studio PT, Oxford)


  • Initial Online Consultation (45mins) - FREE (we will discuss goals, lifestyle, current statistics, injuries, medical issues during this call in order that we can create your custom made training and nutrition plan)
  • Online Onboarding Call (45mins) - £50 (we will talk through your custom made training and nutrition plan and agree progress monitoring and next steps)
  • Online Accountability / catch up session (20mins) - £20 per session (or you can purchase a 5 session package at £80
  • Ongoing text and email support including progress monitoring - FREE
  • One off Face to Face PT session (60mins) - £60 per session (all face to face sessions will take place at Studio PT, Oxford)

If you know that you need to get fitter but the idea of a Personal Trainer just doesn’t work for you, then get in touch now and arrange your free consultation.

* Please note that any home visits will be subject to location and mileage will apply


* The material on this website is provided for educational purposes only. We cannot guarantee any weight loss or fitness results.